Larry Welo - intaglio printmaking - engraving - baseball art - cat art - copper etchings - plein air - drypoint - aquatint

A String of Pearls





More events will be added to this

schedule as they become confirmed.

35th Anniversary Show
Olson-Larsen Galleries
West Des Moines, Iowa

April 11 through June 7

Capitol Lakes Madison, Wisconsin May 1 through June 30
Spring Art Tour open studio at Larry Welo Studio and others in surrounding area June 6, 7, and 8 (10am - 5pm each day)
Annual Landscape Show
Olson-Larsen Galleries
West Des Moines, Iowa June 13 through August 16
Summer Show
Groveland Gallery
Minneapolis, Minnesota June 14 through August 31
Printmaking Exhibit
McGregor Art Center
McGregor, Iowa June 27 through August 4
Luther College Decorah, Iowa September 5 through October 12
Society of American Graphic Artists
81st Members Exhibition
Old Print Shop
New York, New York September 6 through October 12
If you are interested in visiting Larry Welo Studio, I am open just about any time by appointment or during the Mount Horeb Area Art Association's Spring Art Tour (see above).